Restoring sight in Rwanda: good news from UK Aid Match grant holder CBM

2 September 2024

Velena was a dedicated farmer, growing her own crops which fed her children and grandchildren. But over time she noticed her sight begin to fade, and this affected her ability to work and provide food for her family.

“I used to be a farmer, but because I started to lose my sight, I cannot work anymore.”

Cataracts and refractive errors are the leading causes of blindness and visual impairment in Rwanda, and with access to eye health services they can easily be treated. Unfortunately for people like Velena, who live in rural areas, the distance to specialist hospitals is often too far and expensive, and they can end up blind simply because they cannot afford the journey.

This is where CBM come in. Through their four-year UK Aid Match project ‘See the Way’, together with their partners Kabgayi Eye Health Unit and the Catholic Diocese of Kabgayi in Rwanda, they have supported over 35,000 people with vital eye health care services and performed cataract surgery restoring sight for 1,994 people.

The project has trained 131 medical staff across four districts with skills to identify and treat patients, and has provided vital equipment to support eye health service provision. Outreach services have also been strengthened, with specialist eye-care staff travelling to communities, so that patients do not have to travel long distances for treatment.

A woman and man stood with their arms around each other smiling

Photograph: Dr Theophile meets a woman overjoyed to have had successful cataract surgery.

In addition, CBM focus on removing barriers that people with disabilities might face when accessing healthcare. The project supported adaptations in four district hospitals to become more accessible, for example, installing ramps and training key personnel in Sign Language. The project has also provided training for hospital staff to equip them with skills and confidence to identify disability in patients (and carers), and to support them with more targeted care. This will help build a sustainable base for treatment to continue in the future.

Thanks to sight-saving surgery Velena’s story has a happy ending. Her sight has been restored and she is back on her farm, doing what she loves best, and supporting her family. 

Photograph: Velena in her village

To find out more about CBM and their eye-health work, visit their website page. You can also listen to this podcast episode where we spoke to CBM about supporting and improving disability inclusion in project implementation.